The Applecado blog

Web Design Trends for 2024

What website design trends do we expect see more of in 2024?

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The Truth About Bespoke Websites

In case you didn’t know; at Applecado we create entirely bespoke websites, eCommerce and online systems (we also like coffee, cake, cars, amongst other things!). We hope to share the benefits of, and how this approach is the right way for many of our clients.

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Mobile App vs. Mobile Site

Do you need an app, perhaps you’re considering one just to stay ahead of your competition? In this article, we’re talking about mobile apps, PWAs and mobile sites – what the differences are and how to decide whether you need one.

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How to Take Payments on Your Website

Do you need to take payments, send invoices or payment requests, deposits, or perhaps online bookings or memberships, but don’t want to complexity of an online shop? Read this article and we’ll explain the options for taking payments using your website.

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Communication, Meetings, and Interviews in 2020/Post-Pandemic

In the UK, we’ve managed a whole quarter of a year in lockdown, working from home wherever we can. Where video chat and phone calls have undoubtedly helped, we’re keen to share a few clever innovations we’ve been working with to keep recruitment agencies and businesses interviewing and hiring.

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eCommerce platforms: Off the shelf or Bespoke?

COVID-19 has turned the world upside down in a very short time. Lockdowns were enforced virtually everywhere, and while online sales were already dominating retail this is going to cause a real shift in shoppers’ behaviours.

Whether you are a producer or manufacturer, or a retailer, we’re going to run through a few options for selling online.

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Adapting Your Business for Lockdown

Some of the ways we’ve helped clients adjust to COVID19, and useful advice if your business has been impacted.

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Turning Ten

Ten years – that’s a lot of cake, and probably way too much coffee! Read what we've been thinking about as we start the next ten years.

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Ten Years of Applecado: 2019 – Franchise Management Software (10/10)

By now, you probably know that we’re celebrating our tenth birthday soon, and before we get there we’re sharing one project from our portfolio every week for each year we’ve been writing great sites, solutions and systems.

This week’s review will share a little more about Mini Athletics, a super company with a franchise model. Our solution has more than a handful of clever tricks up it’s sleeve, read on to find out more.

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Ten Years of Applecado: 2018 – Collaborative Data Analysis Tool (9/10)

We are nearly at the end of our ten year review, this week we’re looking back at a data analysis and collaboration tool we produced for the Education Development Trust.

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